Corporate responsibilities

At KLSA we are committed to make a positive impact on society and the environment through our interactions with our people, our clients and the communities in which we operate.


We commit to reduce carbon footprint by:

  • Working in an energy efficient building;
  • Having paper saving printing protocols which includes double-sided printing for draft and internal documents;
  • Having implemented paperless working environment for more than 15 years, encouraging correspondence with client in digital format wherever possible;
  • Reducing travel where possible by use of teleconferences, webinars and video conferences; and
  • Centralisation of servers and software to reduce inter-office travel.


We are proud to make a positive contribution to the communities. At a firm-wide level we achieve this through:

  • Making regular charitable donations via KLSA Foundation to support charity works in East Africa region, which reflected the cultural heritage of the firm. We have been actively involved in the following areas:
  • Healthcare
    We worked with local charities in East Africa to reduce maternal and children death; sponsor eye cataracts surgeries and health camp; and raise awareness of diabetes among children and young generation.
  • Education
    We participated in sponsorships and scholarships to help people from deprived background to further their education and inspire social transformation; sponsored a project to empower the marginalised community through art, wisdom and collective action; and involved in reading action program to help children learning.
  • Organising fund raising events for nominated charity;
  • Offering work experience placements in the UK to help next generation; and
  • Offering secondment opportunities to people in the East Africa region to pursue their career path.

Our people

Our people is the most important assets of the firm, we endeavour to help our team by:

  • Working in an energy efficient, modern building using an open-plan arrangement that encourages team work;
  • Organising continual development and advancement events for our staff and encouraging further professional qualifications with study support package;
  • Implementing health and safety procedures to ensure safe work environment; and
  • Providing our team with all the necessary equipment required to enable them to perform their job efficiently. This includes providing remote access facility on their laptops, so that they can access any files/programmes they might require whilst they are working off-site.


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